
Owned by HappyLittleCloud

These giant, demon dragons are huge, passionate creatures with vocarious sexual appetites. They exist in the Endless Sands, an almost infinite desert with sand that moves like water, crashing with waves and currents. This species is a closed species with adoptables going up from time to time on the owner's Patreon. This page outlines some of the basics of this species for anyone curious but they are very much a NSFW read, so be warned anyone looking to scroll down. Below you can see the full cast of characters and also my patreon if you're curious about learning more, or grabbing an adoptable.


Narakyians are huge, ranging from 8 foot to 10 foot at the very highest. They have tough bodies with jet black bones that are built for fighting and hunting, so they can take a scratch or two easily and have incredibly sharp fangs and claws. They come in a range of colours that are usually warm such as reds and yellows, but some are dusky green and also grey. Their tails are prehensile and always tipped with a soft fluff and their wings are equally huge, built for floating on the searing hot wind of the Endless Desert. There is little sexual dysmorphism between male and females, with males usually having slightly larger manes.


Narakyians have a complex culture built around sexual acts, hunting and fighting. With voracious sexual appetities, they often have multiple partners over their lifetime. Nearly all of them are polysexual with preferences for body types and genders depending on themselves personally. A complicated system of rules is in place as a result with strict laws around sex, consent and procreation. Marriage exists but it is purely for children, either to bolster populations or tie families together in bloodlines and once children are born, marriages are usually dissolved. Children are raised in nurseries together and educated carefully. Their society is equal across gender lines, with both men and women able to rule and be educated. A hierarchal system exists, with the current royalty existing in the Illesh City with nobles surrounding them, but they are quite relaxed about hierarchy with nobility casually socializing with commoners. Being carnivores, Narakyian hunt the huge creatures that live in the Endless Sands and many specialize in hunting different types of animals. Their food is spicy and nearly always meat, with fruits and vegetables being considered a treat. They like to fight in-between their social groups when they're not engaging in something else and are easy to rile up, with natural instincts that easily override their common sense.


The world that the Narakyians exist in is usually referred to the Radiant Isles. It's a closed world, with the Endless sands stretching around the edge to the 'sky'. Huge continents float above the desert and slowly orbit the Beacon, a massive structure that illuminates the world like a sun. The higher the continents, the colder it gets, with the highest mountains often going into sub-zero temperatures. There's varying seasons, with usually a cold season and a warm season in most areas.

Animals within the Radiant Isles are diverse, and range from huge eagles, to massive sand whales, to tiny flying cats. The largest animals exist in the Endless Sands, with sharks more then 40 feet long existing. Three distinct species of sentient beings exist, the Narakyians, the Galareans, and the Irenians. The Galareans and Irenians are significantly smaller, ranging from about 5 foot to 6 foot and exist in the upper continents. The Galareans are adept farmers and merchants and have a loosely defined system of city states. They have horns that shed in the winter months with females having smaller horns. The Irenians live in the Upper frozen seas and are a closed off people who have a strict religious caste system. They're adept at fishing and have wings and tails especially designed for swimming.

( Made with Carrd )